
JGHV uses one or more of the following symbols prior to a dog’s name to record certain Performance Awards:

/     =  Hardness Certification {Härtenachweis}
\     = Loud Hunter Designation {Lautjagerstrich}
     =  Dead Game Bayer {Totverbeller}
|     =  Dead Game Guide {Totverweiser}

Specific Test Scores, Awards and Certifications:

HD-frei = Certified free of Hip Displasia a hip joint ailment. All dogs must be certified HD-frei before being approved for breeding (Newer pedigrees don’t show HD-frei because the requirement has been in effect long enough that all certifed dogs are HD-frei)

OCD-frei = Certified free of Osteochondrosis a shoulder ailment. All dogs must be certified OCD-frei before being approved for breeding.

ED-frei = Certified free of Elbow Dysplasia Not a required test but dogs known to have ED are disqualified from breeding. Owners can voluntarily have their dogs certified as ED-frei.
VJP(##)  =  Spring “puppy” Natural ability test score (Dogs born in the first 9 months of the previous year, or the last 3 months of the year before that)

HZP(##)  =  Fall breed test score (Dogs born in the first 9 months of the previous year, or the last 3 months of the year before that)

VGP(##)  =  Utility Hunting Dog Test (Dogs cannot test in the year they are born)

A.H.  =  Armbruster Halt Award {Armbruster-Haltabzeichen}

Vbr  =  Passed{bestanden} the Retrieve of Cripple on a Natural Track {Verlorenbringerprüfung}

Btr =  Passed the Retrieving Reliability Test {Bringtreueprüfung}

Sw  =  Passed an Association 20 or 40 hour Blood Tracking Test {Verbandsschweißprüfung}. The “I”, “II”, “III” after a test score indicates a Prize 1, 2 or 3