Welcome to the official website of Verein Deutsch-Drahthaar Group of North America
The Drahthaar is a passionate hunting dog with industry and endurance, calm by nature, friendly in relations. As with every genuine working dog, however, he needs legitimate specialty training and guidance. Only when given sufficient activity does he feel content.
Today, it is also important that the Drahthaar be a pleasant companion for other aspects of life. He is friendly and self-aware with regard to people and other breeds. The Drahthaar is gentle with children and a suitable family dog. He is no problem to keep in the kennel or the house.
The Drahthaar is the most frequently used hunting dog by the hunting establishment in Germany, and that is not without reason: The versatile work range of the all-around dog demands an intelligent, mentally flexible dog. Endurance and a will to obey, as well as the ability to concentrate on work, characterize this robust fellow in the coarse jacket. When others quit, work is just beginning for him. As a dog that can be used universally for a full range of tasks and as a dog for the work after the shot, the Drahthaar is unsurpassed. He brings to the hunt many specialties.

2024 Annual Meeting
Word From The Chairman
Michael Seckar
Please welcome our new Executive Committee: Lee Root-Vice Chairman; Mike Fortner-Breed Warden; Faith Wood-Business Manager; Tyler Seeger-Treasurer; Lona Kluck-Communications Manager; and me as Chairman. This is a highly motivated and skilled team. I have every reason to believe that our team will accomplish my goals and more over the next four years. Also, join me in thanking the outgoing members of the EC who did not run for another term: Ron Figler; Mike Schell; Larry McNeese; and Justin Allison.
- Mike
Learn about the history and tradition of the VDD and explore educational articles on breeding, training and testing.