VDD-GNA Stud Dog Submission Form

Please fill out this form carefully to insure that the information is correct. It will be published on the site the way it is received. DO NOT USE ALL CAPITAL LETTERS!

    Dog's Name*
    Date of Birth*
    ZR #
    Conformation* / Coat*   /    Ex: (10) / (10)
    Height* / Length*   /    Ex: 66 / 66
    VJP Score* Add'tl VJP Score
    HZP Score* Add'tl HZP Score
    * Please specify "o.sp." (without hare track) or "m.sp." (with hare track) *.
    VGP Preis
    VGP Score Please specify "TF" or "UF" with score. Put "NT" if the dog has not tested.
    Add’tl VGP Preis
    Add'tl VGP Score Please specify "TF" or "UF" with score. Put "NT" if the dog has not tested.
    Btr Completed?
    VSwP 20 hr:
    Add'tl VSwP 20 hr:
    VSwP 40 hr:
    Add'tl VSwP 40 hr:
    HD Frei?*
    OCD Frei??*
    ED Frei??*
    vWD Frei??*
    Other JGHV or VDD
    Awards or Tests may
    be listed here:
    The following information will be published on the website.
    Owner's Name*
    State* Zip Code*
    Home Phone*
    Cell Phone
    Work Phone
    Comments to Webmaster:
    (not published)
    Submitted By*
    (not published)